Scor­pio News


May 1989 – Volume 3. Final Issue.

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Neil Stuttard I’m interested in Nascom CP/M and Pluto system uses.
R S Large Anything on Z80 and Nascom, please.
B Cuddeford As a Nascom user, I’m interested in anything.
J Boraston I would be interested in hearing from anyone using the AVC.
Brian Judd I am interested in buying suitably priced second-hand boards.


Malcolm BayInterested in ZCPR3.
J N ColemanPlease contact me on any developments of advanced software.


D F McLaren My special interest is software for the AVC (Prestel and GSX). Any comments?
Brian Hayward I am interested in IBM-type hardware
L C Waring My particular interests are Operating Systems (other than CP/M); TDL assembly language programming; amateur radio applications such as morse and teleprinter; Forth and real time programming.
John Parrott Broughton Designs has now been hatched with the intention of doing one-off hardware and software designs and also oddball problem solving (at a price) on a no-solution no-fee basis.

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