Scor­pio News


May 1989 – Volume 3. Final Issue.

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and another great step. I tried out Codeview on a C program which called an assembler subroutine. It was marvellous to be able to step through the program, setting watch variables and breakpoints and seeing the source code, both C and assembler, fly by on the screen.

Despite these advances I have happy memories of the old machines and when I moved house I put together a fully expanded non-disk Nascom 1 system and got it working before packing it away. I hope one day to find a museum worthy to exhibit it in full operation, with NAS-SYS, 8K BASIC, ZEAP, NAS-DIS and DEBUG all in ROM, with a massive 64K of RAM. Good luck.

MAP-80 BIOS 5.02. Enhancements for CP/M Plus

by M Newson

Here are details of extensive modifications that I have done to the MAP CP/M+ BIOS, and these are available from me with the kind permission of MAP-80. Ltd.

  • All Setdef parameters pre-definable on assembly,
  • Bit or Binary drive selection. (Binary disables Assignable feature.)
  • All floppy drives may be set to default formats on assembly but are also re-assignable later by choice. (All except first logical floppy.)
  • Physical Winnies greater than 32Mb handled – up to 512Mb.
  • DSKSTRUC calculation speeded up – for those who rebuild regularly!
  • SASI controller types S1410 or S1420 selectable at assembly.
  • Countdown timeout added to Winnie initialisation while waiting for drive ready.
  • Winnie error reporting in form TYPE, CODE, LOGADDR >X< CYLNO, HEADNO, SECNO
  • “Retry [Y/N/^C] ?” added to floppy and Winnie, with proper UNLOG function,
  • ‘Wn’ number added to signon display.
  • ‘Fn’ display corrected for n>9.
  • Screen centralisation Macros and message generation tidied.
  • N2/​VSOFT initial screen edit problem overcome.
  • WFORMAT modified for multiple passes and retries to evaluate Winnie performance.

I also have a modification for the MAP 256K RAM card to convert it to 1 Mb capacity. For further details of information required to upgrade your system, please send a SAE to me.

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