Scor­pio News


May 1989 – Volume 3. Final Issue.

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If no-one has any objection to the creation of a ‘Roneoed’ or Xeroxed news-sheet produced at minimum cost as is done by a number of Amateur Radio groups, I would be prepared to make up and circulate a first issue to those interested in keeping the ball rolling.

If successful such a ‘publication’ should not cost much more than £1 per issue – any perhaps even less, though postage is a growing charge in this area. Ideas please to me. And best wishes to Scorpio for the future.

Dick Railton, Dyfed.

A Yorkshire Group

In an attempt to keep some communications going, I am willing to extend our local informal group, here in Yorkshire, to anybody.

What is needed is a zero cost, one-to-one response. The way to achieve this is for any member to send me a disk with their contributions on (or empty disk) with return postage, I will when return it with a compilation of contributions.

A carrot for you is that if the disk has your system files on it, I can return it with ZCPR3 installed. Optionally, I will need a second disk for some of the support files.

Second carrot – do you have BIOS 3.# and fancy 1.4 Megs on an 8″ disk that is as fast as the old Rodime winnies? Sadly, I will do this in my ‘spare’ time so return of post is not on, but I will try. Sincerely – Cliff Brownbridge, Selby.

Radio Amateurs

I’m still active with the dear old Nascom (have 3 of them!), using NAS-DOS. I’d like to hear from any other radio amateurs still enjoying this fine machine. Thanks to all who produced the INMC 80, 80-BUS News and Scorpio News magazines. Best wishes,

Geoff Bagley G3FHL, Malvern Wells


I have the Henry’s Radio Utilities and would like to use Unspool. However, I do not have the MAC assembler and wondered whether anyone could help out with a modified version of the source to suit Microsoft MACRO-80 assembler? I just cannot seem to find the time to sit down and sort it out myself as there always sseems to be too many other more important tasks to be done.

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