Scor­pio News


May 1989 – Volume 3. Final Issue.

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Something I have been thinking about for a while is to put a newsletter ‘on line’ once my Nascom 2 becomes redundant (this will be quite soon now since seeing in the article about the new NE898 CPU card in the last issue). The BBS approach has the advantage that there would be no publishing costs / difficulties, however it may need to be a team effort. This is all still some way off as far as I am concerned as Herman is going through another BIOS re-write at the moment. This involves putting most of the code into another memory page so that I can fit in all the fancy bits without ending up with a silly size TPA (at the moment I’m down to less than 40K).

My main interest is in hardware development and system software – although I’ll mess about with anything. By the way – is is my imagination or is there really no games software for the Pluto???

Oh well, that’s about it. Again, may I say I’m sorry to see the newsletter disappear and thanks for at least having a go. BYEEE.

Phil Smeesters, London.

Farewell From Me Too

I’m sorry to hear that you will cease publication soon. I’ve been reading Scorpio News and its predecessors since the first INMC News – always very informative and worth the money.

My Nascom 1 unfortunately “died” late last year and I’ve not had the time to resurrect it yet but I still enjoy tinkering with it, so any news is worthwhile!

I am pleased to submit my name and address for contacts, etc (although I have no particular speciality). Best wishes.

Russ Heath, Croydon

Another Newsletter?

First may I thank you for your stalwart efforts on our behalf over the last 2 years and before! Whilst Scorpio News might be tardy on occasion it has always been welcome.

Hopefully, with your offer of one last issue sufficient folk will show an interest for the good work done in the past to bear fruit. As to messages, I am very interested in continuing with my Nascom – slowly growing into a soft-of-Galaxy. Thus, I would like to see something created to take the place of the News and would be happy to act as a clearing house for any other like-minded folk.

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