Scor­pio News


July–September 1988 – Volume 2. Issue 3.

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Well, that’s about it. Looks like there was more to say than I expected; even if every bit offended someone different. Now, how can I get it to Scorpio News? My system supports nearly two hundred disk formats courtesy of Uniform, but I don’t even bother to look for Gemini … it won’t be there. And that’s a cue for another whinge. How come there are so many formats? Multiplying the disk sizes (4) by the possible sides (2) and densities (2) and numbers of tracks (2) gives a number not unadjacent to 32. What spirit of perversity causes every different manufacturer to select their own unique format? Pride, I suppose. If anyone knows whether the Gemini format matches any computer ever sold in America, I’d be most grateful for the information. For now I’ll send this in on an IBM 360k PC disk, which is as standard as a 3/16 UNF bolt.

Private Adverts

Grand Clear-Out.
813 CPU–£82, 832SVC–£82, 829 FDC–£82, 809 FDC–£40, MAP80 VFC–£145, 805 FDC–£13, 848 Multi-Serial I/O (nearly new) – £87, 863-32 Static RAM card–£65, 803 EPROM board–£40, 802 64K RAM–£45, Nascom RAM B–£40, IO824 A/D Board–£43, Seagate ST506 (5Mb)–£62, Rodime 204 (20Mb) – £140, CDC Wren 9415-36 30Mb Wini (Voice coil stepping)–£185. Controller cards: Xebec S1410–£138, Adaptec ACB4000–£225. Streamers: Tandberg TDC3200, Archive 5945L–£140 ea., with tapes. PSUs: 843 140w–£40, 817 85w (late type)–£45, 817 75w–£36. KBDs: 827 un/cased–£37/£47, 852 Low Profile case/​cable–£80. Vero Frames: with front/​back panel suits N2/Pluto etc.–£55, for 80-BUS boards + enclosure & floppy/​wini frame–£75, 8 slot (5 conn’s) backplane–£25.
All bits GWO, ANY offers phone Ian (____) ______.

For Sale: GM837 Colour Card, GM816 I/O Card, GM870 MODEM Card. All with manuals, software etc.
Offers. C.Bowden. ____-______ (evenings).

For Sale: Nascom 2 CPU Board, CP/M, Nasdos, £85. 256K MAP80, £50. AVC, £50, Dual disk, £50. FDC, £25. IEEE, £35. A/D, £10. Maplin Modem, £25. 64K Memory Board, £10. Digitalker Board, £10. Chassis style green screen monitor, £15. Numeric key-pad, £6. Kenilworth case, PSU, backplane, £25
Phone Romford (____) _____ after 6pm.

For Sale: Nascom 2, 2 x RAM A cards, PSU, extended keyboard, documentation. Not greatly used as I upgraded to GM813 when it first appeared – £150. Nascom IMP matrix printer, Imprint, unused ribbons, documentation – £150.
Tel: Steve Willmott, Little Chalfont (_____) ____, evenings.

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