Scor­pio News


April–June 1988 – Volume 2. Issue 2.

Page 12 of 35


As an Xor operation is performed (essential in order to decrypt it), decryption is simply the reverse sequence. The LABEL password will be recovered from the earlier example:

String =6464646475757575
Encrypt =7575757564646464
Key =4444444444444444
XOR =3131313120202020
Password=1 1 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ^

Program Solution

In order to simplify the somewhat lengthy decode process using DU.COM, a utility is available from the Author, by post only please, for decoding label and file passwords. A £5 handling charge covers the postage, packing and supply of a disk. Please specify what format you require and make cheques payable to the Author. The full commented Z80 source code, complete with documentation is supplied and most 5.25″ formats, 48tpi and 96tpi including all Gemini/​Nascom/​MAP formats can be handled.

Mr. A G H Sibley
__ ____________ ____
____ ___

Private Adverts – 1

For sale. 19″ Veroframe with 7 slot backplane and 10A P.S.U. £40; V&T Superdeck – computer controlled cassette deck with software £40; Nascom 1 Buffer Board £15; Gemini GM802 64K RAM £25; GM803 EPROM Board £20; Sound Board based on AY-3-8910 £5; Nascom RAM A Board (no RAM) £5; 3A P.S.U. £15; Seikosha GP80A Printer £75; ROM graphics board for Nascom 1 (Econographics) £5; Nascom 1 with cased keyboard £offers. No reasonable offer for any of the above items refused. Telephone Mike Parker, Oxford (____) ______ (evenings).

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