Scor­pio News


January–March 1988 – Volume 2. Issue 1.

Page 26 of 39

g) Screen Scroll Line Height.

  1. The ‘5’ & ‘6’ commands are redundant and have been reallocated, and a ‘7’ command added. The Screen normally scrolls when the cursor is 7 lines above the two prompt lines. The ‘6’ command changes this to 2 lines, so that more text can be seen above the scroll point and the input line is nearer the RULER line. The ‘7’ command puts the scroll line at 20 above the prompt line which is useful for source code editing when you want to see ahead. The ‘5’ command restores the line to 7 above.

h) HELP Menu Screens. (HELP.OVL)

  1. All HELP screens have been updated to reflect the above changes.

i) GEMPEN1 and GEMPEN2 .DOC Files.

  1. Updated to fully explain the use of the revised programme.

A number of other small changes have also been made, that are mainly cosmetic. Some of the specially programmed screen characters have been altered. If time and memory space permit, I still have some further changes in mind.

Extending ZCPR3 Password Protection to DU’s

The ZCPR3 system is very flexible in the way that access is permitted to Drive and User Areas. This is essential when dealing with larger drives like Winchesters, in order to allow satisfactory ordering of files, personal directory allocations to individual users, and yet retain flexibility.

For example ZCPR3 allows, using Disk and User (The DU: form)
A0>B5: ––> B5>3: ––> B3>C: ––> C3>M0: ––> M0:> etc.;

Or using Directory Name. (DIR: form)
ROOT>BAK: ––> BAK>BAS: ––> BAS>CAT: ––> CAT> etc.;

Either form may be selected at assembly time, but most users would probably select both, allowing either form of address, e.g.;
A0:BASE>C: ––> C0:BAK>BAS: ––> A6:BAS>JOHN: ––> A4:JOHN>

As explained in earlier articles, the many utilities supplied with Z3 can recognise and accept both forms, so that commands like:


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