Scor­pio News


January–March 1987 – Volume 1. Issue 1.

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2) –Shut-down after last log-off. No new logon is allowed, and shut-down occurs when the last user logs-off. If a print spool file is in progress this will be aborted and spooling of that file will commence again, from the beginning, the next time the network is run.
3) –Shut-down after last log-off and end of spool file. No new log-on is allowed. Spooling continues. When the last user has logged off the file that is being spooled at that time is completed, and then Server operation is aboreed
4) –Shut-down after last log-off and last spool-file. No new log-on is allowed. Spooling continues. When the last user has logged off ALL spool files are printed, and then the Server operation is aborted.
5) –Ignore this shut-down request, and return to normal Server operation.

As soon as the first <ESC> Ctrl C is hit, all NEW logons will be refused, but NDOS Function 41 (User Logon) will be honoured to allow user area changes, providing the station is already logged on.

Once a Closedoun option 2-4 has been selected, an automatic Broadcast is set up for all logged in Stations, informing them that the system is about to close. The absence of a ‘*’ on the Logon display indicates that the Station has received the broadcast. This automatic message may be re-sent by entering ‘<ESC> Ctrl C’ to restore the Closedown menu, and then reselecting the required option.

Display Directory Space

This shows the number of directory entries free on the Server drives.

NDOS calls

New function calls have been added for use from Workstations and Superstations:

Function 51Return Free Space on Server Drives
Function 52Return Count of Free Directory Entries on Server Drives
Function 53Return MultiNet Station Logon Vector
Function 54Return Spool Queue Length
Function 55is Reserved for internal use by NDOS
Function 56is Reserved for internal are by NDOS
Function 57Return Current User Logon Number

Network Broadcast

Both Superstations and Workstations may receive Broadcast messages These will appear in the top three lines of the screen display, and all operation will be halted until the message is acknowledged by pressing the <ESC> key twice.


When a user responds to a request to enter a Password, the entry that the user makes is no longer displayed on the screen.

New Utilities


This is equivalent to the standard Gemini disk based CONFIG program, and it may be used to see various user options in the Workstation boot file, such as default List device, serial port parameters (baud rate, data Bits etc), auto-execute file etc.


This utility may be used to display various information on the current status of the network. Options include: Space remaining on Server drives. Number of directory entries available. Current users on the system. Number of files in the print spool queue. Current and original user number and station umber.


This utility allows messages or files to be sent by any user to a ‘postbox’ for receipt by another specified user. It also allows that user to receive any items that are in the ‘postbox’ addressed to him.

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