

Volume 2 · Number 4 · September 1982

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  1. Snowdinger 2

    Mr. Wilitams of Shoeburyness, Essex found the 2 deliberate mistakes in the Snowdinger 2 circuit diagram contained in the last issue. The labelling on IC49 pins 2 and 6 somehow got reversed which means that pin 2 was really pin 6 and pin 6 was really pin 2. Also pin 1 of IC3 should have been connected to pin 6 of IC49 (2MHz and not 8MHz as shown).

    Mr. Williams also points out that to run at 4MHz a 220ohm pull-up resistor is required on pin 9 of IC1.

    Many thanks to Mr. Williams for pointing out these errors, its nice to get letters even if they only tell me that I made a botchup of the previous issue.

  2. The Private Ads.

    FOR SALE – Nascom 2 . 48K RAM . Gemini 64K + EPROM Card . ZEAP, NASDIS, DEBUG, EXT BASIC, Teletext Colour . 4.8K Tape . Verocase . Enormous Software & Firmware Library . Interested?
    Phone Peter Smith . Petersfield (____) ____ W/E and Evenings.

    FOR SALE – Nascom 2, 48K, Boxed with Teletype, Monitor and Cassette. Over £250 worth of software including Pascal, Extension BASIC, Chess, Toolkit, Assembler, Disassembler, Word Processor and many Games.
    Forced Sale – £450 the lot!
    Tel. Leeds ______

    FOR SALE – Nascom 2 with ZEAP, NASDIS, standard graphics chip, RAM B card containing 48K of memory and power supply. £300
    Telephone __-___-____ after 6pm.

    STILL FOR SALE – After a fantastic response to my advert in the last issue of Micropower, I still have 2 RAM A cards for sale. Any offers? Tel. Ian on Leeds ______

    FOR SALE – EPROM programmer. Bits & PCs programmer for 2708s and 2716s. Fully assembled with application software. £20. Also 6 x 2708s fully erased £6.
    Ring Keith Brown on Colchester (____) ______

  3. In the last issue of Micropower I included a Hex dump of an Othello program. I have since been advised that Othello is a registered trademark of Mine of Information. I apologise for any infringement.
  4. I don’t know if anyone actually noticed in the last issue but the Editor got changed. John Haigh who had been editing the magazine since it started has allowed me to take over the job and have the privilege of sitting up till all hours of the
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