

Volume 2 · Number 1 · February 1982

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Dear Editor,

The contents of the magazine seem quite well balanced – there must be something in each issue of interest to every Nascom user. I would like to see some explanation of essential parts of programmes, i.e. brief notes on those parts of software on which the operation depends. For example, a note on how the highres graph plotting software works would have been interesting. I would be particularly interested in articles on fault finding techniques for or with the Nascom. If anyone knows of a cheap and reliable MODEM design then the details would be most welcome.

The Lincoln computer club now meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Hare and Hounds, 330, High Street, Lincoln, starting at 19.30. Further details from:

John Clifford, Lincoln (____) _____


Small non-commercial advertisements, £2 per ad.

FOR SALE Two ICL Termiprinter units Type 7572

Both fully over hauled and in full working order. 118 char./line. Prints at 60 c.p.s. Both fitted with Horizontal and Vertical Tab facilities and Form Feed mechanism. RS-232 Serial interface will fit directly to Nascom 1 or 2. Baud rate 110, 300, 1200 and others. Tractor and friction feed. Service documentation available. Software supplied for Nas-Sys 1 or 3. Fully guaranteed for 3 months. Offers over £200 for each

IBM Selectric Golfball printer with Acculab Professional interface unit in full working condition. Parallel interface fits directly to Nascom PIO. Selection of Golfball typeheads available. Tractor and friction feed. Software Subroutine supplied for Nas-Sys 1 or 3. Best offer over £300 for the pair.

For further information on any of the above, phone Wolverhampton (____) ______. 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Prefer buyer to colect and see full demonstration, but carriage could be arranged.

FOR SALE Solenoid Operated Cassette Transports.

These machines may be put into wind, rewind, stop and play with signals from the PIO, buffered with reed relays or open-collector gates. Record tabs, cassette present and tape end can similarly be fed back to the PIO.

It takes a little imagination and a bit of programming to turn it into an automatic program and data store, putting back the fateful day when you have to buy discs. All this for only £25 + carriage. More details from Pat Crabb, Holmfirth (0484 489) 5263

FOR SALERAM A card with 8K£45 o.n.o.
RAM B card with 16K£70 o.n.o.
Both in full working orderC. Bowden
Tel. ____ ___ ___ (Evenings)     ____ ___ ___ (Daytime)
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