

Volume 1 · Number 2 · September 1981

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MicropowerVolume 1, No. 2September, 1981


EditorialPage 1
Letters to the EditorPage 2
Nascom 1 Keyboard UpgradePage 4
New EPROMS for oldPage 9
Monitor.ComPage 12
Modifications to Tiny Basic for Nas-SysPage 15
Using Pixel Graphics from AssemblerPage 17
Hands (further) OnPage 20
Nas-Sys MonitorsPage 26
Club PagePage 32


We have received quite a lot of feedback from the first issue by now, and most of the comments have been favourable. In fact I am left with a sneaking suspicion that all the people who liked the magazine have been kind enough to write and say so, while those who thought it not worth reading haven’t bothered to communicate their opinions.

It is very pleasing to know that a particular article has been of interest – we can use the letters to persuade the author to write for us again – but we would also like to know what displeased you. If you can be abusive wittily we shall publish your letter.

Of course, the best letters, complimentary or uncomplimentary, are those that end " . . I am enclosing an article for publication.”. We can never get too many of this type of letter, so keep sending them in.

We shall be producing two more issues this year, in November and December, and we have some very interesting articles planned. For example, we have the design for an interface which reads TRS 80 tapes, together with the software to control the interface and then convert TRS 80 Basic programs to run under Nascom Basic; a design for a 2708/2716 programmer; a machine code Lisp interpreter; a program to interconvert Crystal Basic and Microsoft programs; and the usual selection of hardware and software tips.

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