

Volume 1 · Number 1 · August 1981

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MicropowerVolume 1, No. 1August, 1981


EditorialPage 1
A Programmable Character Generator for Nascom 1Page 2
Letters to the EditorPage 5
Software for Programmable Character GeneratorsPage 6
Printerface – the Epson MX 80Page 12
Hands On – a beginners talePage 16
Snowdinger – a cure for screen flashPage 20
Rubik Cubik Display RoutinePage 27
Nas-Sys MonitorsPage 28
News from the ClubsPage 32


Why do we need a magazine for Nascom users? Firstly, there is a lot happening on the Nascom front at the moment. In the face of what appeared to be the imminent demise of the company many people who had been waiting for promised ‘goodies’ to appear started to produce their own add-ons. Lucas eventually came to the rescue, but the death threat had by then has its effect.

Secondly, the popular computer magazines do not give Nascom the space that Tandy, Apple, Pet, etc., etc., receive.

Thirdly, the system’s users are tremendously enthusiastic. In many local computer clubs the Nascom owners are the most active group.

Finally – well, the answer might be that there is no place for the magazine. Perhaps Nascom owners are more interested in communicating with the machine than with other users. We shall soon find out, because the magazine will only survive if people – that means you – will write about their enthusiasms.

So write – say what you liked and didn’t like, tell us what you want to read about, ask questions (and answer the questions of others), and above all write an article, short or long, because that is one way to ensure that the magazine contains topics that interest you.

Unless the article is marked to the contrary, information may be reprinted or copied for non-commercial purposes providing that the source is acknowledged.

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