








µP Micropower

Micropower was an English Nascom magazine, published between 1981 and 1982, in parallel to INMC 80 News and 80-Bus News.

Micropower became the Nascom Newsletter with the original issue numbers.

Table of Contents

Topic Author Ca­te­gory Ma­ga­zine Is­sue Page
Contents Micro­power 1/1 1
Editorial John Haigh Micro­power 1/1 1
Pro­gram­mable Character Generator for Nascom 1 S.​ Hope Hard­ware Micro­power 1/1 2
Letters Micro­power 1/1 5
Soft­ware for Pro­gram­mable Character Ge­ne­ra­tors John Haigh As­sem­bler
Micro­power 1/1 6
Printerface – the Epsom MX80 F/T P.​ Whit­taker Micro­power 1/1 12
Hands-On! – Pt1 Viktor Micro­power 1/1 16
a cure for screen flash on Nascom 1
Dougal Hard­ware Micro­power 1/1 20
Rubik Cube display routine J.​K.​ Richard­son As­sem­bler Micro­power 1/1 27
NAS-SYS monitors dissected – Pt1 John Haigh Micro­power 1/1 28
News from the Clubs Micro­power 1/1 32
Topic Author Ca­te­gory Ma­ga­zine Is­sue Page
Contents Micro­power 1/2 1
Editorial John Haigh Micro­power 1/2 1
Letters Micro­power 1/2 2
Nascom 1 Keyboard upgrade (with circuit to Nascom 2 standard) Zebedee Hard­ware Micro­power 1/2 4
New EPROMs for old – upgrading from 2708s R.​A.​ Gibson Hard­ware Micro­power 1/2 9
MONITOR.​COM – CP/M on Nascom 2 Chris Black­more As­sem­bler Micro­power 1/2 12
Tiny BASIC for NAS-SYS – modifi­cations Buxton Basic Micro­power 1/2 15
Using Pixel graphics from As­sem­bler G.​N.​ Evans As­sem­bler Micro­power 1/2 17
Hands (Further) On – Pt2 Viktor Micro­power 1/2 20
NAS-SYS monitors dissected – Pt 2 John Haigh Micro­power 1/2 26
Club Page Micro­power 1/2 32
Topic Author Ca­te­gory Ma­ga­zine Is­sue Page
Contents Micro­power 1/3 1
Editorial John Haigh Micro­power 1/3 1
Letters Micro­power 1/3 2
Hands-On – Pt3 Viktor Micro­power 1/3 3
Reading TRS-80 Program Tapes Mike Fox Hard­ware
Micro­power 1/3 8
Auto-Graphics selection Hard­ware Micro­power 1/3 20
Hangman D.​G.​ Johnson Basic Micro­power 1/3 22
NAS-SYS monitors dissected – Pt 3 John Haigh As­sem­bler Micro­power 1/3 26
News From the Clubs Micro­power 1/3 32
Topic Author Ca­te­gory Ma­ga­zine Is­sue Page
Contents Micro­power 1/4 1
Editorial John Haigh Micro­power 1/4 1
EPROM Pro­gram­mer /​ Checker /​ Reader
for 2708, 2516 & 2716 Source in Macro 80 – Pt1
C.​ Bowden Hard­ware Micro­power 1/4 2
The Zilog Z800 Rory O’Farrell Micro­power 1/4 8
2.2 updates – Pt1
David Elliot Basic
Micro­power 1/4 11
Letters Micro­power 1/4 17
Running ZEAP 2 with moved Video RAM (see also INMC 7) J.​T.​ Nestor As­sem­bler Micro­power 1/4 17
Reading TRS-80 Program Tapes with easier method R.​M.​ Dowling Micro­power 1/4 17
Hands On – Pt4
The End of the Beginnig (or vice versa?)
Viktor Micro­power 1/4 18
The Magic Hexagon puzzle
Why not solve it the easy way!
G.​P.​ Robert As­sem­bler Micro­power 1/4 23
NAS-SYS monitors dissected – Pt 4 John Haigh As­sem­bler Micro­power 1/4 27
Rings of Hanoi S.​ Head Basic Micro­power 1/4 31
Topic Author Ca­te­gory Ma­ga­zine Is­sue Page
Contents Micro­power 2/1 1
Editorial John Haigh Micro­power 2/1 1
Nascom Controls Washing Machine J.​C.​ Lord Hard­ware Micro­power 2/1 2
Extending RAM Beyond the 64k Barrier Chris Black­more Hard­ware Micro­power 2/1 8
2.2 updates – Pt 2
David Elliot Basic
Micro­power 2/1 12
EPROM Pro­gram­mer /​ Checker /​ Reader
for 2708, 2516 & 2716 Source in Macro 80 – Pt2
C.​ Bowden Hard­ware
Micro­power 2/1 18
Letters Micro­power 2/1 28
Rings of Hanoi in BASIC cor­rec­tions to last month F.​ Johnson Basic Micro­power 2/1 28
NAS-SYS monitors dissected – Pt 5 John Haigh As­sem­bler Micro­power 2/1 30
Fruit Machine
game object code listing – another one
S.​C.​ Allen As­sem­bler Micro­power 2/1 34
Topic Author Ca­te­gory Ma­ga­zine Is­sue Page
Contents Micro­power 2/2 1
Editorial John Haigh Micro­power 2/2 1
Using 2732s on Nascom 2 (see 2/4 for cor­rec­tion) D.​A.​ Boyd Hard­ware Micro­power 2/2 2
The Poor Man’s Disc
Logic Con­trol­led Tape Decks
David Elliott Micro­power 2/2 5
NAS-SYS monitors dissected – Pt 6 John Haigh As­sem­bler Micro­power 2/2 7
EPROM Pro­gram­mer /​ Checker /​ Reader
for 2708, 2516 & 2716 Source in Macro 80 Pt3
C.​ Bowden As­sem­bler Micro­power 2/2 12
Planning and Writing a Program Viktor Basic Micro­power 2/2 20
Expanding the Nascom keyboard using ordinary key switches J.​M.​H.​ Hill Hard­ware Micro­power 2/2 27
64K RAM on Nascom RAM B Board Douglas M.​ Barr Hard­ware Micro­power 2/2 30
Co-ordinate Life novelty program – Pt1 P.​ Whit­taker As­sem­bler Micro­power 2/2 34
Topic Author Ca­te­gory Ma­ga­zine Is­sue Page
Contents Micro­power 2/3 1
Editorial Ian J Clem­mett Micro­power 2/3 1
The French Con­nec­tion
Real Time Clock using MM58174
G.​R.​ Kirby Hard­ware
Micro­power 2/3 2
getting it to work
T.​I.​J.​ Toler Micro­power 2/3 6
Snow­din­ger 2
for Nascom 2 (also see 2/4)
G.​J.​ Davies Hard­ware Micro­power 2/3 8
An intro­duction to CP/M Chris Black­more Micro­power 2/3 13
16k CMOS Memory Extension for Nascom 2 Main board Paul Anderson Hard­ware Micro­power 2/3 17
NAS-SYS monitors dissected – Pt 7 John Haigh As­sem­bler Micro­power 2/3 22
Screen Reverse A.​ Marshall Hard­ware Micro­power 2/3 27
in machine code
A.​ Brown As­sem­bler Micro­power 2/3 29
Co-ordinate Life
novelty program Pt2
P.​ Whit­taker Micro­power 2/3 32
Letters Micro­power 2/3 36
Neo-3D Globe mini BASIC program Carl Whalley Basic Micro­power 2/3 36
Nasprint modifi­cation for ZEAP Steve Stubbs As­sem­bler Micro­power 2/3 36
Topic Author Ca­te­gory Ma­ga­zine Is­sue Page
Contents Micro­power 2/4 1
Editorial Ian J Clem­mett Micro­power 2/4 2
Labels for Xtal BASIC
instead of line numbers
Stephen Hope Basic
Micro­power 2/4 3
32K CMOS Battery-Backed RAM Board review Re­view Micro­power 2/4 8
A 64K EPROM Board for £4?
64K EPROM and 44K RAM on Nascom and RAM Board
Alf Want Hard­ware Micro­power 2/4 11
Making a Nascom 1 into a Nascom 2 – so to speak P.​ Crabb Hard­ware Micro­power 2/4 14
16k CMOS Memory Extension for Nascom 2 mainboard update Micro­code (Control) Limited Hard­ware Micro­power 2/4 20
Letters Micro­power 2/4 24
Pretty Picture BASIC plotting programs D.​P.​ Jackson Basic Micro­power 2/4 24
2 Megabyte Nascom 2
using 256k Gemini cards
Ian J Clem­mett Hard­ware Micro­power 2/4 25
4Ks Via 2 Megs
Convert Gemini/​Bits and Pieces EPROM Pro­gram­mer to 2732 and 2716
A.​ Want Hard­ware Micro­power 2/4 27
Errata Ian J Clem­mett Micro­power 2/4 31
Snow­din­ger 2 for Nascom 2 circuit cor­rec­tions Mr.​ Williams Hard­ware Micro­power 2/4 31
Printing multiple copies from Nasprint S.​ Stubbs As­sem­bler Micro­power 2/4 32
Using 2732s on Nascom 2 cor­rec­tion A.​ Want Hard­ware Micro­power 2/4 32
Hole in the Wall
(like TV tennis) (page 36 missing in copy from on-line)
Z.​R.​ Lesia­kowski As­sem­bler Micro­power 2/4 34

Micropower became the Nascom Newsletter with the original issue numbers.

This table of contents is based on a work of Mike Strange who collected an overall table of contents of Nascom magazines.