Autumn 1979 · Issue 4

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I thought that it was about time to put finger to keyboard, to impart a little information, and to make a few observations.

The response to INMC3 was very encouraging and this issue covers fresh ground in devoting a large percentage of space to items received from INMC members. I hope that Doctor Dark’s Diary will become a regular feature and that other contributors will come forward with series of articles to give the magazine the continuity which assists so much in creating a feeling of involvement amongst the readers.

Up until recently all mail addressed to “The Editor” has received a reply, even if this has only been in the form of a “plastic” standard acknowledgement form. As the volume of mail grows, continuing to do this unfortunately becomes both expensive and time consuming. In future, therefore, I would ask that if a specific reply be required then the writer should enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope – without this the contents of the letter will be noted and possibly put in the next magazine, the hardware library, or the software library but no reply will be sent.

The software library continues to grow and I hope that we will be able to announce the availability of a further batch of programs in the next newsletter. The INMC committee has been considering some way of rewarding contributors of programs and I am pleased to announce that it has decided to issue £5 vouchers that can be used to purchase programs in the library. These vouchers will be issued to the writer of any program that is made available in the INMC lists, and they will also be issued to the writers of those programs already on the list.

As you will see elsewhere in this issue, but I will still repeat it, the address for the INMC is changing. In future all letters should be addressed to:–

c/o Nascom Microcomputers Ltd.,
__ _____ ______,
Bucks, ___ ___

All correspondence concerning subscriptions, membership and orders from the library should be addressed to “The Secretary”; all technical queries, contributions to the magazine and items for the hardware or software libraries to “The Editor”.

I trust that you will enjoy reading this issue and that you will find all of the items interesting, informative and inspirational! The INMC membership grows daily and I hope that shortly I will be receiving from you your comments, programs and articles so that the International Nascom Microcomputer Club can move further and further forward in becoming a true users club.

Happy Reading,

The Editor

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