Summer 1979 · Issue 3

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four times faster. The 3K Basic is the 2K Basic with an extra 1K EPROM to provide extra commands, so it works exactly like the 2K Basic. The 3K Basic, like the 2K Basic, requires some memory expansion to run, either 8K, 16K or 32K.

(d) Soft­ware – Tiny Basic Level A And B

These Tiny Basic interpreters are not provided by Nascom, and no information about compatibility is available. We believe that level A is a 2K Basic interpreter, which replaces the monitor program, Therefore, no monitor is available when level A is in use. Also, various features of the Tiny Basic have had to be left out, including FOR – NEXT loops. The only advantage is that no memory expansion is required to use it. Obviously only very short programs can be run, without memory expansion. Level B seems to be normal 2K Tiny Basic. It is not known how programs are stored on tape, or with which monitors it is compatible.

(e) Software – 8K BASIC

The 8K Basic is on its way. It has been well tested, and really does exist and it works! It is coming from Nascom in two versions – in ROM at E000 – FFFF with workspace and program starting at 1000, and also on tape, at 1000 – 2FFF, with workspace and program starting at 3000. Apart from the different location of the program area, these products are virtually the same. Programs can be saved on tape. Furthermore, Nascom 8K Basic works with B-Bug, Nasbug T4 or NAS-SYS!!! (The tape version also works with Nasbug T1/​T2). Only when using NAS-SYS are full program editing facilities available, making it very easy to change bits of programs easily and quickly. We (the INMC committee) recommend that you use every possible inducement to get your hands on NAS-SYS and the 8K Basic, because we think it makes the whole system far more useful, and very impressive even when compared to certain boring machines which come ready built in plastic boxes from the USA, at far greater cost.

(f) Soptware – ZEAP

The ZEAP Editor/​Assembler runs under Nasbug T2, or Nasbug T4. It is going to be released in an improved form to run under NAS-SYS.

(g) Soft­ware – Z80 Programs From Other Sources

There are always problems when moving programs from one system to another, because of different I/O capabilities and different assignment of memory. However, the 2K and 8K Basic interpreters have been converted for Nascom without great difficulty, and so have many other programs. NAS-SYS uses standard ASCII codes, which will help make future conversions easier. (Also, the 8K Basic will run most published Basic programs, often without any modification.)

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