Spring 1979 · Issue 2

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  1. All entries must be made on paper – no cassettes or alternative formats will be judged.
  2. All entries become the property of the INMC and may be added to the software library.
  3. The judges will consist of the members of the INMC along with their families and any passers by.
  4. The final (after the fighting has finished!) decision of the judges is absolute and no correspondence on it will be answered!
  5. Any number of programs may be submitted by an entrant.
  6. Programs that have already been submitted to the INMC may be entered but this must be done by sending in a new copy.
  7. No correspondence for the INMC or any part of the Nascom organisation should be included with the entry.
  8. Alongside the Name and Address of the Entrant the preference for Zeap or Super Tiny Basic should be indicated.
  9. All entries should be addressed to:

INMC Games Competition
c/o Nascom Microcomputers
___ ____ ______
Herts ___ ___


Quite a few people have written to Nascom detailing “errors” that they have found in Zeap. In actual fact we know of very few incidences of faulty tapes being supplied or of any major operational bugs – errors have usually been found to be caused by incorrect entry of source programs, or by faulty memory boards. Please read the Zeap manual carefully to ensure that you are operating Zeap correctly. If you are in any doubt as to if your memory board is functioning correctly, then contact either your distributor or Nascom.

All of the members of the INMC committee have been running Zeap for some time now, and many programs have been written using it – this includes the 2K monitor, Nasbug T4. We are, therefore, in no doubt that the Zeap package is an extremely powerful and worthwhile Nascom product.

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