INMC 80 News


May–September 1981 · Issue 4

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Secondly, my own system is a Nascom 2 with two 32K “RAM A” boards (full 4MHz) which I would like to add a ROM board to. It is housed within the Powertran case which I can recommend as very excellent value and easily modified to take the Nascom keyboard with the main and memory boards behind and with the bus connectors to the left and the P.S.U. to the right. A suitable cooling (miniature) fan is badly needed though. Being steel and aluminium it is well suited to Amateur Radio use (for RFI shielding) and it will support any weight of equipment on top.

Thanks and good wishes.

I.G. Drysdale, ___ _______ _____
Portlethen, Aberdeen, ___ ___.

Delta Capacitor?

Just when I was feeling the need of communication – all that came was a tax return, then INMC80 News. Joy! After the first read, I wonder if anyone can tell me whether a “delta capacitor” is the same as an “interference suppression capacitor” Maplin P.62. &/or P.176. a “mains transient suppressor"? My set-up is Nascom 2 built with much help from Interface. A secondhand Digital Decwriter (no descenders) works faultlessly with (RS232) no special interface: it was bought from Electronic Brokers, who were very expert and helpful. Like the rest of us I suspect, what appeals particularly about the Nascom is that it is so flexible, and there’s lots I can do to make mine work for me, yet, as I learn how!

Thank you, and Best Wishes

Laurence Fisher, Canterbury, Kent.

PL1 Error.

Like Mr. D. Ritchie (P.14 INMC80 News No. 3) I have had trouble adding PIOs to a Nascom 1 and was interested in his letter and thought that this was the solution. Alas no. It took several more days to solve the puzzle of why all signals looked OK on scope but the circuit would not work.

I discovered that on my Nascom board the data lines on PL1 are not as in the circuit diagram and hence when, for example, 0FH was written to the PIO to put it in the output mode it received some other code.

The correct connections are as follows

D0 – PL1/1D1 – PL1/2D2 – PL1/4
D3 – PL1/6D4 – PL1/5D5 – PL1/3
D6 – PL1/7D7 – PL1/8

T-Bailie, Co. Antrim, N.Ireland.

Anyone got a Creed?

I should be most grateful if you could let me know of any members who may have successfully interfaced a Creed 7 series printer with a Nascom 2.

May I also thank you for the work you do in producing the most helpful and informative “News”.

C.D. Macmillan, _ __________ _____,
York, ___ ___.

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