INMC 80 News


September 1980 – January 1981 · Issue 2

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Both very nice and a bit different. .F etc. starts at <lineno.> if specified and searches for <string> to the end of the text file. If you type for <string> “L?” for example, any character will match the “?”; useful if you use related variable names. However, it’s a bit of a pain for Reserved words, as if you want to find say “REM” you have to use the graphics character equivalent. The Bits and P.C.s version has fixed this and is easier to use. But perhaps someone can explain why I can’t have a “find and optionally change”? Both of these finds can cause confusion if you forget to turn them off.
Very nice idea but not as good as I’d like. (“Tough”, I hear). After for example , a ”? SN Error” , if you type “HELP” the line that caused the problems will be displayed at the bottom of your screen, with the cursor hopefully near the problem statement. Unfortunately, the Basic tends to cop out at different places depending on the type of error, so sometimes it’s not a “HELP”. However, if you use multi-statement lines (a very bad habit) this can indeed be a “HELP”
.H<hex value>HEX<up to 10 values>
These commands accept hex and return decimal. Apparently they are useful for machine code, whatever that is – I really wouldn’t know. Presumably the bigger the better, so the Bits and P.C.s gets the “*” (scared of machine code ? Of course not..​I’m petrified)
Again, I find this useful. .KS deletes all non-significant spaces; .K deletes the “REM”s as well, so making your programs even more incomprehensible ( and much faster).
Renumber,​of course: the one really essential facility offered by these add-ons. The Henry’s version is far more versatile, allowing you to start subroutines on reasonable increments and with care, changing the order of your file!
This is an example of something that is lovely when it works. After typeing “STEP” you are asked for a string. You can enter “The value of”<list of variables> is“<list of variables>. When you type “RUN” the Basic program is single stepped with the values defined printed on the top line of the display. Great idea. Unless you have something else happening on the top line. In which case you can get some extraordinary Syntax errors. However, if you want to analyse a non- printing subroutine it can be very useful. But remember to turn it off.
Not a command, but a routine that is rather trying to call. I prefer the routine published in INMC as this also gives the flashing cursor.
Keyboard Repeat
Both toolkits have this facility. The Henry’s one tells you how to vary rates.
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