INMC 80 News


September 1980 – January 1981 · Issue 2

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Back Issues & INMC80 Program Library – New Additions

The following programs have now been added to the Program Library.

Address all orders to:

c/o Oakfield Corner,
________ ____,
Bucks. ___ ___.

Please Note: Interface Components Ltd. are very kindly letting us use their address as a Post Box. They cannot accept ’phone calls on our behalf. If you have any queries please WRITE. Ta.

Nasbug Programs
T44Black Box   V1.1by G.M.Clarke0.90
A game based on the cloud chamber experiment to discover atomic structure.
T45Universal Chess Clock   V1.1by G.M.Clarke0.60
Provides a chess clock for Standard, Allegro, and Lightening chess games.
T46Factorial   V1.1by J.Haigh0.50
Evaluates factorial of N up to 900 digits precision on an unexpanded Nascom 1.
T47Powers of 2   V1.1by J.Haigh0.40
Evaluates powers of 2 up to 2 to the power of 4250 on an unexpanded Nascom 1.
T48Chomp   V1.1by J-Haigh0.90
A NIM type game, played on a rectangular array of points.
2K TINY BASIC Programs
TB1Simple Line Editor   V1.1by J.Hill0.20
Assembly language routines to add line editing functions to 2K TINY BASIC.
TB2String Package   V1.1by J-Hill0.70
Assembly language routines to add string handling to 2K TINY BASIC.
TB3Stock Exchange   V1.1by J-E-Hawkins0.15
Play the Stock Market.

Postage and Packing

UK customers please add 30p for the first program, plus 5p for each additional program. For overseas orders these charges are 60p and 15p. All cheques to be payable to me, oops, INMC80.

Back Issues

All INMC and INMC80 back issues are available ex-stock. Because of reprint costs we have reluctantly had to increase the price of these:

INMC 150p
INMC 271.00 each

Postage. UK orders add 35p for one issue, plus 10p for each additional issue. Overseas orders 70p and 20p respectively.

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