INMC 80 News


June/July/August 1980 · Issue 1

Page 36 of 48

Useful POKEs In Nascom BASIC

To prevent an automatic Newline being put into a printed line after 47 characters, use POKE 4162,255. To restore to normal after the above, use POKE 4162,47. To produce double line spacing on the screen, use POKE 4162,0. This Information is from the Liverpool Software Gazette – if you know any “useful pokes”, why not send them in ?

Basic Rom On Memory Board.

I must apologise for the ambiguous instruction I gave! I meant bend the pins of the wire wrap socket (NOT the ROM) out and solder to them. I bet you all realised what I meant, anyway!

Free Graphics Subroutine

“Not that old thing again !” you all say. ‘Fraid so, but much. slower than before.

Eds. comment: This sounds like a great idea for a competition. There will be prizes for:

(1) the shortest (fewest bytes) and
(2) the quickest

ways of achieving the above using BASIC. Machine code subroutines are not allowed, nor any crafty playing with the reserved words.

Entries should reach us by 1/8/80, and the nature of the prizes will be decided at some future date !


Mindblowing​wife​annoying​mains​gobbling​keyboard​thumping​tape​chewing​money​demanding​square​eye​giving​nause​creating​teeth​grinding​byte​eating​   Nascom

Who said Popsi adverts were exclusive ?

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