80-Bus News


Spring 1985 · Volume 4 · Issue 1

Page 18 of 31

★ Poke in the machine code
POKE 49152,195,74,192
POKE 49226,17,128,0,14,26,205
POKE 49232,5,0,205,192,192,17,4,192,14,17,205,5,0,254,255,200
POKE 49248,205,179,192,17,13,193,1,11,0,237,176,213,17,4,192,14
POKE 49264,18,205,5,0,254,255,40,12,205,179,192,209,1,11,0,237
POKE 49280,176,213,24,232,209,175,18,33,13,193,229,205,192,192,58,3
POKE 49296,192,50,39,192,225,229,126,183,40,23,17,5,192,1,11,0
POKE 49312,237,176,225,17,40,192,1,11,0,237,176,229,205,203,192,24
POKE 49328,218,225,201,135,135,135,135,136,38,0,111,17,129,0,25,201
POKE 49344,175,6,58,33,16,192,119,35,16,282,201,17,39,192,14,15
POKE 49360,205,5,0,254,255,40,8,17,39,192,14,19,205,5,0,17
POKE 49376,39,192,14,22,205,5,0,17,4,192,14,15,205,5,0,17
POKE 49392,4,192,14,20,205,5,0,183,32,10,17,39,192,14,21,205
POKE 49408,5,0,24,235,17,39,192,14,16,205,5,0,201

★ Set up the destination, source and file mask string
★ (In this case, to M: drive, from B: drive, all files like ST-★.NDX.}
STORE CHR(RANK("M")-64) + CHR(RANK("B")-64) + "ST-?????NDK" TO files

★ Poke the files string into the fcb
    DO WHILE c<=12
    POKE 49154+c,​RANK($(files,c,1))
    STORE c+1 TO c

★ Now do it.

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Items For Sale

Nascom 1 in Vero frame, 10A PSU, V&T Superdeck, 64k RAM B, fully populated I/O board, Sound board, EPROM programmer/​eraser, 2 EPROM boards containing extended Nas-Sys 3, Crystal BASIC 2.2, Hi-Soft Pascal 3, Editor/​Assembler and cassette operating system. Documentation and some source listings. Only £320; with GP80A Printer, £400 ono. Also a 3A PSU for £20. RAM A board (no RAM) for £15. High speed tape interface £5. Please contact Mr M Parker, Botley, Oxford, ____ ______ evenings/​weekends.

Nascom 2 Computer, Gemini GM802 Memory Board (16K), GM807 3A PSU, all encased in a small bureau complete with 20″ B&W TV and cassette recorder. £125.00. Tel: E W Hair, __ ___ ____.

2-off 16K Nascom 2 computers about £200 each. One has EPROM burner and Zeap. 1-off 48K Nascom 3 computer about £400. Also has Zeap and word-processing program. Also for sale are 3-off B/W Monitors and 3-off Decwrite type Printers. Any reasonable offer accepted. Some items need attention. Potential owners must see goods first and collect. Pay cash. Contact Mr Parsons, _____ ______, _______ ____, Crawley, Sussex, or ring Copthorne ______ after 10.00 pm.

Nascom 3 Microcomputer; 48K memory – NASPEN included. Offers around £250. Telephone Joseph Townsend, ___ ___ ____.

GM803 EPROM card with manuals for £30. Telephone: Tom Gibson, Middlesbrough ____ ______ (evenings or weekends).

Two Gemini GM803 EPROM boards, one fully populated with 16 x 2716 EPROMs containing MBASIC and GBASIC, and with 1 x 2764 (in MK36000 socket) containing GemZap. The other board is partly populated with 6 x 2716 EPROMs containing GemDebug and GemPen. Prices £100 and £90 (ONO) respectively. Contact Martin Davies, ____ _____.

EPROM Programmer, (1.0. Systems type), 2708 to 2732. Self-contained power supplies. Software on tape or PolyDos format disk. I’m upgrading to Gemini GM860. £35 … Tel: John ____ _____.

Compas 3 for Gemini QDSS at £175. Rights to be transferred as per licensing agreement. Tel: Mr P Young, Belfast, ____ ______

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