80-Bus News


May–June 1983 · Volume 2 · Issue 3

Page 26 of 59


Owing to lack of supply of information from two companies (see Editorial) there seems little point taking up pages detailing information that may be in error. However, there is a definite need for some published information on who is using what ports, so the following page gives brief details of the port arrangements recommended by each manufacturer for their own boards. If you know of any additional boards that should be listed, please supply the information ASAP. In the next issue we hope to publish this information in much greater detail.

Arfon Microelectronics

  • AM819  – Speech boardF6

Climax Computers

  • CC837  – Colour Graphics boardC0-D0

EV Computing

  • EV814  – IEEE 488 board34-3F

Gemini Microcomputers

  • GM802  – 64K RAM boardFF
  • GM803  – EPROM/​ROM boardFF
  • GM809  – FDC boardE0-E4
  • GM811  – CPU-I/O boardB0 & B4-BF
  • GM812  – Intelligent Video Controller (IVC) boardB1-B3
  • GM813  – CPU-64K-I/O boardB4-BF, FE & FF
  • GM816  – Multi-I/O board10-2F
  • GM829  – FDC/​SASI boardE0-E7
  • GM833  – 512K RAM-DISK boardFB-FD

IO Research

  • IO824  – A/D Convertor board30-33
  • IO828  – PLUTO Colour Graphics boardA0-A1

MAP 80 Systems

  • MAP256  – 256K RAM boardFE
  • MAPVFC  – Video/Floppy Controller boardE0-EF

Microcode (Control)

  • MP826 – 32K CMOS RAM boardFF

Nascom Microcomputers

  • Nascom 1/2/3 – CPU-RAM-I/O-Video boards00-07
  • RAM B  – 48K RAM boardFF
  • AVC  – Colour Graphics boardB0-B2
  • FDC – FDC boardE0-E4
  • I/O – PIO/CTC/UART board08-0B, 11-12, & 14-1F
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