80-Bus News


January–February 1983 · Volume 2 · Issue 1

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disk as it contains a certain ammount of initialized data). So there are now app. 400H bytes (1K) of RAM free above SYS. The two Buffers take 280H bytes so another 180H (384 decimal) bytes of code could be added without pushing the Buffers off the top end of RAM. I understand that a new SYS with support for the excellent MAP80 256K RAM card and a number of other extra new features might be available soon. I use one of the MAP RAM Cards as a Virtual Disk and it certainly speeds things up a bit but I miss the extra features of SYS in the support CBIOS.

The disk with CPM64.COM on its System track can now be put to use. Boot it up and then ‘RUN UP’ the modified SYS which will self locate over the OLDBIOS. (from 0EE00H in this case). Then use a BUG program to load a saved copy of CPM64.COM into low memory. (e.g. ZSID CPM64.COM (CR).) Remembering the addresses noted earlier, copy the active ‘SYS’ from CP/M in high memory over the old CBIOS starting at 2100H. Since 4K is the maximum ammount that can be added, move 4K down to make it easy. (e.g. MEE00,​FE00,​2100 (CR).) will copy it down. Use the ‘D’ command to check at 2100H to see that data has changed and is the same as the data at EE00H. This new CP/M can now be saved. For tidyness though, I first filled from the end of the workspace to the highest possible end of the CBIOS with 00’s using the ‘F’ command. This makes it easier to see the end of the code section when using a PEEK program.

The next step is to enter G0 (CR) followed by SAVE 48 CPMSYS64.COM. Note the changes. The name has been changed to denote the fixed size and the embedded ‘SYS’ function. The ammount to be saved has increased from 43 to 48 Pages. The CBIOS started at 2100H and was 4K long (max) so the top address possible is 3100H. It is thus necessary to save memory from 100H to 3100H which is 48 – 256 byte pages. As previously noted SYSGEN will put memory from 900H upwards onto disk, but the area 100H – 8FFH must be preserved to be compatible with SYSGEN.

In theory if we put this file on the System Track of a disk and boot, the job should be done, since all addresses should be correct, and there is enough room on the disk. So a SYSGEN CPMSYS64.COM (CR) command is issued and the new system placed on the disk. Then RESET is pressed to try it. Disaster !! – IT DOES NOT WORK.

At this stage, I tried a PEEK on the System Track. The BIOS all seemed to be there, with code and workspace area ending within a few bytes of the top of sector 19. That last sector, number 20 though – it should have been all 00’s as the top of the BIOS was filled with 00’s before saving it.But here I found F5’s which is the pattern written to disk during formating so for some reason the whole of the CPMSYS64.COM file is not being written to disk. This last sector is not needed at the moment as all of the CBIOS was present on previous sectors, but I could want it with a new larger ‘SYS’, so why was it not written. To solve this one I disassembled SYSGEN. Luckily this is a short Program of about 1K, with a lot of ASCII text in it, so the task was not too bad. It did not take very long so find out that it was the sector counting routine that was responsible for the problem. It was Programmed to only put 19 Sectors to disk. The count only needed to be ‘upped’ by one to get all 20 sectors actioned. Locations 01BAH/​01BBH in my copy were 38 14H. (LD A,14H). I used my BUG program to set this to 15H, and saved the altered program as SYSGEN1.COM. The revised program now Reads and Writes the whole system track.

The SYSGEN mod. did not solve the problem though. I needed to see what was getting into RAM. I put the disk back into drive A and RESET. After a few seconds, I removed the disk, RESET again and used SIMON to explore memory. The bottom of RAM contained the COLD BOOT, unaltered, so CP/M had obviously not got going. If it had, the jump vectors and IOBYTE at the low end of the memory would have been visible. So I checked high RAM. It soon became apparent that the CBIOS was missing from FA00H up. This meant that for some reason two whole sectors had not been loaded from the system track to the BIOS RAM. Since the vital sector

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