80-Bus News


July–October 1982 · Volume 1 · Issue 3

Page 13 of 51

What the procedure does is print out the contents of the array REPLY. in such a way that no words are broken at the edge of the screen. The following declarations must be made either globally or in a higher level block.

  WIDTH = 48; {Or 80, if you have an Ivc
  REPLY : ARRAY [1..number] OF CHAR;

The value of “number” must be at least “WIDTH” characters greater than the maximum possible length of the text in REPLY, otherwise a nasty run time error will appear. I could have prevented this from happening, but it would have made the procedure even longer. Finally, the part of REPLY that is not filled with text must be filled with chr(13)’s, i.e. carriage returns. This routine does, in fact, more or less the same thing as the OUTPUT routine I gave away in my last article. You can tell it is a popular thing to want to do because the Extended BASIC has the WRAP command to do the same thing…

My conclusion is that this Pascal is a “must” for the CP/M user, although I have no experience of any of its rivals (are there any?) [Ed. – Yes, COM-PAS.]

A few comments on Dave Hunt’s last article.

No, it isn’t going to be destructive criticism, as that would be pretty pointless. I have been enjoying the series, and also marvelling at the speed he must be able to type at!

One of the things Dave says is that he is not a believer in flow charts. Not much further on in the article, is something that I and the lads at D.J.A.I. Systems would both call a flowchart. That highly famous program, The Last One, uses flow charts that look just like the summary of the program flow shown on page 26. I saw a demonstration of The Last One when I went to apply for a job there, and it is a really splendid program. Mind you, they did not give me a job, so they can’t be all that clever!

The idea of standardising input and output routines is splendid, and is one that I had considered trying to do for this column. What went wrong? Well, I found I couldn’t remember enough about Nas-Sys to produce the Nas-Sys routines to simulate CP/M’s more useful routines exactly enough to give complete standardisation. Or maybe I never really got used to Nas-Sys before I upgraded Marvin again. Dave has approached the idea in what might be a less ambitious way, but it does work…

One of the things he has done that is much more naughty than writing self modifying code is to use a direct call to B2HEX. Surely, that should have been £DF £68 instead of £CD £F2 £0E? There are more of these in there, now that I look again. Oh, now I see why! For the benefit of the CP/M machines, of course. For a moment, I thought I had found a real naughty… I will write out a hundred times, “I must read all of the documentation.”

There is a small point concerning the part of the program that reads:


The values of TRYS in the program are such that there will be no problems with this bit of code, but it is important to note that INC A does not affect the carry flag, which will be in the state produced by the last opcode that affected it. This can result in DAA appearing to have made a mistake, and formed the basis of a competition in a prehistoric precursor of this magazine. If you use ADD A 1, you will not get this problem, although you will use one extra byte of RAM. (Obviously, if you are doing BCD arithmetic on multi-byte numbers, you may use ADC A 1.) I think I really caught you this time, Dave!

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