80-Bus News


April–June 1982 · Volume 1 · Issue 2

Page 6 of 55

The patch is a listing of DDT as it is displayed on the screen.

Steve Willmott, West Drayton.

PEN –2

This small routine will enable NASPEN users to indent any text from the left hand margin without having to insert the indentation directly into the NASPEN buffer. It does this by detecting all Carriage Returns (0DH) sent to the printer (IMP assumed) and printing a pre-determined number of spaces before returning to NASPEN. The code can be placed in any convenient part of memory. For those with Imprint, code 02 (bi-directional printing) can also be trapped when it occurs at the end of text. This allows unidirectional printing to continue till the IMP print buffer is empty.

Enter the routine into memory, say at £0C80, then change the NASPEN printer reflection to jump to the routine. i.e. modify £101D (DF 6B C9) to C3 80 OC. The indent can be changed by loading B with the required number of spaces. Then warm start NASPEN.

R. Mohamed, Glasgow

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