80-Bus News


January–March 1982 · Volume 1 · Issue 1

Page 45 of 55

Multimapping Revisited – Connection Diagram

     1                         1
     1  1      16              1
     1   ------                1
     1   1    1 15             1
     1   1    1---------o      1
   3 1---1    1    1---o <--o--1
         1    1--- 1    o
         1    1 13       3    S1A
         1    1
         1    1
         1    1
         ------      LKS1 - No other connections needed
       8        9

                                                     1    S1B
Suggest unregulated                         1------o
side of +12V supply   +-------XXXXXXXX------1-----o <--o-----1
                                RLA1           2   o         1
                                                     3       1
                                                        GND ===

Nascom Video -------------o RLA1
                          O--------------o   Video o/p to
IVC Video    -------------o                    monitor

                (Reset to 4000H)      1
LSW1/2 PIN 19 -----------------------o                 LSW1/1, 1/4 UP

                           2   1---o <----o------1     LSW 1/2, 1/3 DOWN
                               1                 1
LSW1/3 PIN 18 -----------------1-----o           1
                (Reset to 2000H)      3        =====        S1C
                                                === GND

Position1 –Nas-Sysandnormal Nascom Video/​Workspace
"2 –CP/M"Nascom Video/​Workspace at F800H
"3 –CP/M"Gemini GM812 IVC card

This is for use with 64K of RAM, however made up. If a lesser amount of RAM is used, certain firmware would have to reside on either the Nascom 2 board, RAM A card or a ‘Paged in’ EPROM card, and switching would need to be modified accordingly.

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